The doctrine of dung


            1. Human excrement, or dung, is used in the Word of God to illustrate or to portray certain principles of doctrine. From the standpoint of vocabulary alone there are numerous Hebrew words — five prominent ones and about five minor ones — for human excrement. There is at least one Greek word. Hebrew: ashpot. It is used euphemistically and it is used figuratively for any degrading situation or condition. It is also used for something that is as low or useless as anything can be — 1 Samuel 2:8; Psalm 113:7; Nehemiah 2:13; 3:14; 12:31. There is another word: gelel. It is simply another way of describing the human excrement concept — Job 20:7; 1 Kings 14:10; Ezekiel 4:12, 15; Zephaniah 1:17. There is a very closely related word, galel, and another which is considered one of the more vulgar words, domen. Then there is peresh which is literally translated “feces”. These words are all used in the Word of God in some context to teach a point of doctrine. They are not the only words.

            2. Dung is used to describe the celebrity standards of legalism or pseudo celebrityship — Philippians 3:8.

            3. Dung is used to describe the administration of the fifth cycle of discipline to a national entity. Dung is used for defeat in battle by which the military establishment is destroyed. The loss and destruction of the military destroys national freedom and function. The dead soldiers, therefore, become the basis of losing everything in a national entity. Jeremiah 9:22; 16:4 — the civilian population.

            4. Dung is used to portray the judgement of the wicked. It is applied to the prosperous wicked or the prosperous believer in reversionism. There is a false prosperity provided by Satan for certain believers in reversionism — Job 20:4-7.

            5. Dung was used to threaten and intimidate the Jews to surrender to the Assyrians — 2 Kings 18:27; Isaiah 36:12.

            6. The interruption of the Jewish Age plus the fifth cycle of discipline to the southern kingdom is described in terms of dung in Malachi 2:3.

            7. Dung is used to describe the fall of mighty ones under human celebrityship — Lamentations 4:5.

            8. Dung is used to describe the uselessness of the reversionistic believer — Luke 14:34,35.